Life With You | Love Poem

Changed My Life With You

change life by love, first love poem, Life With You, love poem,
Life With You- Love Poem

You taught me how beautiful life is,
Everything from your words, your touch, your kiss.

You gave me hope, you gave me love,
And I know you were sent from heaven above.

The way you showed me the person I could be,
It's something you, and only you, would see.

You were always different and unique,
But I never guessed it was me you would seek.

How someone like me would end up with someone like you,
I honestly don't believe it, it cannot be true.

But it is, and I know every day,
That I have YOU, and it's needless to say

You've made my life beautiful and taught me how to live.
To show you how much I'm grateful, anything I'd give.

So thank you for coming into my life.
In doing so you've taken away the sorrow and strife.

You put a smile on my face and a skip to my stride
And I know you'll always be there by my side.

Love At First Sight | Romantic Poem

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Love At First Sight, Romantic Poem, love poem, first love poem,

When first we touched,
My heart flew high,
On gossamer wings through a cloudless sky.
They said it was built upon a lie.
They told me my feelings would surely fade.
Passion would flare and foes would be made.
Can you not put the pass behind?
True love can change a rivers course,
Or pierce the strongest vault with ease.
True love can turn coal into gold,
Or tame the tempest to a balmy breeze.
Quite some time has passed since then:
People no longer criticize,
For now they see that truth exists,
Where once there might have been only lies.
Still my feelings are the same today,
As they were on that very first,
For when we touch, my heart still flies, on gossamer wings through cloudless skies.